A downloadable game for Windows

VIDEO GAMES LAB : Game Jam 2021 by @At0mium_

I unfortunately didn't have time to finish my Runner level (was supposed to be a level where you compete against the clock, Arcades giving a bit of time when you pass through, aswell as destroying Brick Walls. The goal being to lasts the longer possible, kind of like old driving arcade games).

In Arcadia, player can wander around using two main abilities:
  1. Dashing allows him to move forward really fast,
  2. Drawing allows him to create Arcades, as the ones sometimes spawned in the maps, in order to gain a speed boost and a Draw charge (only in Runner mode).


WASD / Left Stick to MOVE

Mouse / Right Stick to ROTATE CAMERA

Space / Right Trigger to DASH (hold & release)

Left Click / Left Trigger to DRAW (hold & release)

G / Select to ENTER GYM

Escape / Start to ENTER MAIN MENU

Known issues:

  • For whatever reason (didn't have time to investigate), colors are weirdly rendered, especially on ground surfaces. Sorry for your eyes :S

Assets used:




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